umma magicifafied
i am
umma magicifafied
i am
everone loves magical trevor,
cos' the tricks that he does are ever so clever
look at him now, dissapearing the cow
where is the cow headin' right now
taking a bow its magical trevor
the crowd can see that the trick is clever
look at him there with his leathery, leathery whip
its made magic and he gives it a flick
yeah yeah, yeah the cow is back
yeah yeah, yeah the cow is back
back back, back from its magical journey
what did it see?
in a parralell dimension?
it saw beans, lots of beans, lots of beans, lots of beans
oh yeah beans, lots of beans, lots of beans, lots of beans
that was actually pretty good for a first animation
thanks man^^
well well well then then then then
Lol, thanks
that was so freaking funny
hanks going to pissed when sandford and diemos revive him
that must have taken forever to make
Me too.
Age 45, Male
Joined on 12/23/07